R2:  [8] Olivia Weaver 3-0 Marta Dominguez

 [8] Olivia Weaver (USA) 3-0 Marta Dominguez (ESP) 11-2, 11-3, 11-2 (24m)

Next opponent: Salma Hany

Olivia : “I’m really happy with how I played today.

“That’s my first time playing Marta, but I think we’ve practiced together a few times. It’s always fun playing a new opponent, you can always be a little bit edgy at first, but I felt I settled in quickly and was volleying well. I’m very pleased to get through in three.

“He [Rod Martin] has done so much to help me evolve as a player and he’s helped me build up mentally for an event like this and believe myself. I’m playing the best squash of my career right now and I’m really enjoying every minute on court. I’m up for a battle and I’m playing my best squash.

“The little chats throughout the day and before and after matches really add up and he’s had such a positive influence on my belief and confidence on court.

“Hopefully the time on the glass [court] in Gouna will help in terms of adjusting, but it’s always amazing to play on these beautiful outdoor glass courts in Egypt.”